Join our Venture Studio Program to turn your visionary ideas into transformative businesses. Get comprehensive support, resources, and expertise from a collaborative network of entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts, and technology specialists. Shape the future and make a lasting impact with our dynamic ecosystem, from concept development to market implementation.

Explore our portfolio of disruptive startups, nurtured and accelerated within our Elev X! programs. As a curator of innovative technologies, our portfolio members are setting industry standards and transforming society with groundbreaking new solutions. Since 2018, we have backed more than 100 startups, influencing the future of innovation.

As a strategic innovation hub of NEC, we embody a culture of relentless curiosity, collaboration, and creativity. With deep expertise across diverse domains, we harness the power of emerging technologies to solve complex challenges and create new opportunities. Together, we are building a brighter, more connected future where innovation flourishes and social value thrives.